The latest THE RESISTANTS campaign has come to a successful end! Thanks to everyone who supported us and helped spread the word about these exciting new issues. Emmanuel is finishing up the colors for the last pages of issue #3. I’ll be working hard to refine the lettering and production to get these books to the printer as soon as possible. There’s some Kickstarter logistics to deal with first. They should collect all the money and send me the funds in about two weeks. Then the surveys will go out to confirm addresses and other backer details.

A lot of steps, but still, I’m really excited to be able to share these new issues and the stunning work of returning series artist Jason Johnson (Impulse, Knight Rider) & colorist Emmanuel Ordaz Torres (Heavy Metal, Obey Me). Make sure to follow along for updates on our mailing list and on the Kickstarter page. If you missed out on the campaign or need books now, all of our previous issues, including THE RESISTANTS: Bounty Hunter Blitz #1, are available at our website www.BigBlueComics.com with $4.99 flat rate shipping.