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THE RESISTANTS: Bounty Hunter Blitz #2 & #3 Funded!

The latest THE RESISTANTS campaign has come to a successful end! Thanks to everyone who supported us and helped spread the word about these exciting new issues. Emmanuel is finishing up the colors for the last pages of issue #3. I’ll be working hard to refine the lettering and production to get these books to the printer as soon as possible. There’s some Kickstarter logistics to deal with first. They should collect all the money and send me the funds in about two weeks. Then the surveys will go out to confirm addresses and other backer details.

A lot of steps, but still, I’m really excited to be able to share these new issues and the stunning work of returning series artist Jason Johnson (Impulse, Knight Rider) & colorist Emmanuel Ordaz Torres (Heavy Metal, Obey Me). Make sure to follow along for updates on our mailing list and on the Kickstarter page. If you missed out on the campaign or need books now, all of our previous issues, including THE RESISTANTS: Bounty Hunter Blitz #1, are available at our website with $4.99 flat rate shipping.

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Bounty Hunter Blitz #1-3 Live On Kickstarter!

Our latest campaign for The Resistants: #1-3 is now live and running! The mini-series continues with two new issues (#2 & #3) by co-creator KJ Kaminski (Sophia Saturn) with artwork by returning series artist Jason Johnson (Flash, Wildcats) & colors by Emmanuel Ordaz Torres (Heavy Metal, Obey Me). We also have a trio of Exclusive Limited Variant Covers, an Exclusive T-shirt, and a free trading card with all physical rewards. Look for the discounted early-bird pricing on the new stories until April 17th and the best deals on packages including all our previous releases in print and digitally. Don’t miss out and order your rewards today at…/the-resistants-bounty…

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THE RESISTANTS: Bounty Hunter Blitz #1 Campaign is Fully Funded

We did it! Thanks so much to everyone who supported the our latest Kickstarter Campaign. We successfully funded the latest issue of THE RESISTANTS. THE RESISTANTS: Bounty Hunter Blitz #1 is the start of an all-new mini-series  written by co-creator K.J. Kaminski (Sophia Saturn) with artwork by returning series artist Jason Johnson (Gen 13, Impulse) & colors by Emmanuel Ordaz Torres (Heavy Metal, Obey Me). The uncompromising strike force of alien refugees & human outlaws battle an army of the most ruthless bounty hunters from HYPER-ACTION. We have 2 campaign exclusive covers for issue #1, a Standard Cover by Jason Johnson & Ross A. Campbell (Pathfinder, Wildstorm) and a special Joe Figure Homage Variant Cover by Brad Thingvold (Bingo!).

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THE RESISTANTS: Bounty Hunter Blitz #1 is Live on Kickstarter Now!

Today we launched our latest campaign for THE RESISTANTS: Bounty Hunter Blitz #1. The all-new mini-series is written by co-creator K.J. Kaminski (Sophia Saturn) with artwork by returning series artist Jason Johnson (Gen 13, Impulse) & colors by Emmaunuel Ordaz Torres (Heavy Metal, Obey Me). Issue #1 is 24 pages of story in a 32 page book with character bios, pin-ups, and more back material included. We have 2 campaign exclusive covers for issue #1, a Standard Cover by Jason Johnson & Ross A. Campbell (Pathfinder, Wildstorm) and a special Joe Figure Homage Variant Cover by Brad Thingvold (Bingo!). The campaign is live now and don’t miss out on some of the special early bird pricing and bundles. THE RESISTANTS: Bounty Hunter Blitz #1.

We have so many cool exclusives and special items for this campaign you don’t want to miss out. Please consider backing THE RESISTANTS: Bounty HUnter Blitz #1 campaign today! We can’t do it without you! Thank you so much for taking the time to help us tell these awesome comic stories.

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THE RESISTANTS: Bounty Hunter Blitz #1 on Kickstarter September 12th-October 13th!

 I hope you’ll join us for the all-new mini-series starring our guilt-driven soldier and the uncompromising strike force vs an army of hunters; THE RESISTANTS: Bounty Hunter Blitz #1 written by co-creator K.J. Kaminski (Sophia Saturn) with artwork by returning series artist Jason Johnson (Gen 13, Impulse). It’s been 6 months since the events of the first mini-series, THE RESISTANTS: The Broadcast Offensive, made them some of the world’s most wanted criminals. Tension has been high between INTERVAL & KESTREL and the group is getting anxious to resolve their fugitive status. INTERVAL & GRIM travel to the VEGAS INDEPENDENT TERRITORY to enlist the help of allies and try to clear the team’s bounties. When they show their faces in public, their tremendous bounties draw a slew of ruthless Hunters after them, bringing the characters from HYPER-ACTION in to the main series. But INTERVAL’s allies have a morally questionable solution to the problem. “When every bounty hunter in the land is after you, sometimes the only thing to do is find a bigger bounty.”

We are so excited for people to see this latest arc. Jason has been putting in some of his best work and it’s been a blast seeing him draw so many different returning and new characters. THE RESISTANTS: Bounty Hunter Blitz #1, is a culmination of everything that has come before and leads to the future of the team. You can go to the pre-launch page now and click to be notified for the launch on Tuesday, September 12th. Look for more information and updates through our mailing listsocial media, and

Posted on Kickstarter is live

Our first Kickstarter is live at now.

We self-funded the first six issues of THE RESISTANTS to show the confidence we had in the books, as well as showing you the reader that we can put out a consistent quality book. But with self-distribution there is a lot of long game planning. So our next issue, a one-shot starring Kestrel, is live on Kickstarter now. This will open up THE RESISTANTS to a whole new audience that we don’t see at the shows as well as some added goodies for those regular con goers to get involved.

Kestrel made her debut in the recent The Resistants: The Broadcast Offensive mini-series. We saw her aid Interval and The Resistants in their struggle to expose the secret criminal alien leadership of the Takeo Corporate State. In the Kestrel One-Shot, we go back a few years to tell the story of Kestrel’s first interaction with Interval and THE RESISTANTS. As an executive weapons designer, Erin Hawthorne, finds her position affords her the ability to help those in need.

See Erin take her first steps as the burgeoning hero Kestrel, while she discovers how best to fight for those that no one else will fight for.

This 28 page full color comic book one-shot is written by K.J Kaminski and features art by Jason Johnson (Gen13, Knight Rider) with colors by Teo Gonzalez (Aspen)  plus a special variant cover by Gus Vazquez (Big Hero Six, Suicide Squad).

With your help and support we can continue to make exciting high-action sic-fi comics.